Total saved today $90.81
oop total $1.74
Transaction #1 $1.74
Transaction #2 $0
YTD savings $2,013.44
Started out with $21.99 ecb’s today, did 2 transactions. The coupon machine gave me a $3 off $10 grocery items Q and I had a $5 off $25 emailed Cvs Q.
Transaction #1
oop $1.74
saved $41.32
What I bought Price Coupons used
13 Hershey bars $1.19x9= $10.71 6 B1g1 Q’s up to .85 =$5.10
Sale b2g1free, so 4 were free with sale and 6 were almost free with couponsGot 3 ecb
1 Preperation H $3.99 $2
Got $3.99 ecb this was a money maker with Q and ecb’s
2 Powerade $2 b1g1free up to $2= $2
4 Honest tea $4 2 b1g1free up to $1.99=$3.98Got $2 ecb
1 Bic Soleil shimmer $6.99 $3
Got $3 ecb 1 Green bag tag .99 Free w/CVS Q= .99
1 30ct Chromium
vitamin $1.99 Free w/CVS Q=$1.99Total items $30.67-$3 off $10 grocery cvs Q=$27.67-coupons $19.06=$8.61-$7 ecb + .13 tax=$1.74 oop
ecb’s received
$3 Hershey
$3.99 Prep H$2 Beverages
$3 Bic
$11.99 ecb’s received and I have $14.99 left for a total of $26.98 in ecb’s now.
Transaction #2
oop $0
Saved $49.49 What I bought Price Coupons used
replacement brush heads $29.99 no Q’s
Got $20 ecb’s
Total items $29.99- $5 off $25=$24.99-$24.99 ecb’s =$0 oop
ecb’s received
$20 oral B 6pk brush heads
-----------------$20 ecb’s plus $$1.99 left over =$21.99 ecbs for next week
A great deal of savings this week for you! Love when those savings add up to so much. Thanks for linking up your CVS shopping trip at Simply CVS.